Greening & Design Project
Formerly the ‘Leisure Pathway’ Project
PlanIt was engaged in November of 2022 to create and execute an awareness campaign and community consultation for Phase I of what is now known as the Greening and Design Project.
Rendering of scenario one proposal featuring a pathway for recreational activities.
The proposal stems from JCCBI's sustainable development strategy. Which makes environmental and social improvements to areas surrounding JCCBI-maintained structures. PlanIT is currently in Phase II of the project which is designed to narrow down certain proposed features for the greenspace.
Rendering of scenario two proposal which does not contain a recreational pathway.
The project is offered by the Jacques Cartier Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI) to enhance a stretch of greenspace in Kahnawà:ke between the Highway 132 up-ramp and the Old Malone service road.
Comprehensive comparison of both proposed scenarios.
Phase II Press Release : Step 2
Phase II Press Release : Step 1
Promotional Flyer
First Press Release
Fact Sheet and FAQ
Press Release on Phase I Survey Results
Phase I Report and Survey Results
K103 Radio Show Appearance